“Five dogs lying in the heart flower”, Calotropis gigantea 😍
The flower is known by many names, including Akund Calotrope, Bowstring Hemp, and the scientific name Calotropis gigantea, but of course, I prefer to call it the "Five dogs lying in the heart flower". Of course, I prefer to call it "Five dogs lying in the heart flower", because it looks like five puppies surround the heart of the flower.😘 It's a super cute flower. Some people also call it "Candy Flower" because of the dreamy pink color and texture, like an imaginary flower made of candy.
It is a shrubby tree from tropical Asia with lavender flowers and silvery leaves. It is a host plant for monarch and queen butterflies. It can tolerate brief frosts in zones 9-11, but prefers warmer, more humid climates. Grows 6 to 8 feet (2 m) tall and wide, but can be trained into a tree. Soak the seeds in warm water for 24 hours. Sow in the ground, barely covering the seeds. Place plastic wrap and rubber bands over the pot in a warm, sunny spot. Keep the soil moist, but not soaked. Remove the plastic wrap when you have seedlings.
Wish you to build your ideal garden soon🥰